Cosa dicono alcuni dei partecipanti al workshop:
In italia ho notato che la storia del costruire è ancora intatta. Anche se stiamo diventando sempre più tecnologici, l’agricoltura, la natura, il paesaggio sono ancora importanti per voi. Ho notato qui sul lago di Como una bella simbiosi fra natura e architettura, con case moderne inserite nel territorio. La storia è sempre qui, il paesaggio e l’agricoltura sono ancora presenti. La modernità insieme alla storia.
Spesso non ci rendiamo conto della bellezza dei nostri territori e aver avuto l’opportunità di partecipare al workshop e riuscire a vedere Como attraverso gli occhi di ragazzi e ragazze provenienti da luoghi e culture completamente diversi è stato un modo per riscoprire e tornare a valorizzare la bellezza che da sempre ci circonda e che spesso, perche’ troppo abituati a vederla, si tende a non apprezzarla come si dovrebbe.
In un workshop come questo metti in gioco la tua creatività e il lavoro di gruppo permette di ottenere risultati inaspettati in pochissimo tempo.
Venice is like a sexy old lady shaking her beautiful fan and Florence is a gracious professor, while Milan is somehow a rich young yuppie. Same as other big capitals, Roma is really inclusive and steady. I love them all !!!
This workshop was a wonderful balance between science/technology (interactive media) and art. I am an artist who has recently been making videos, and by participating in this workshop, I now feel that I am equipped with new and better information and resources to advance my work further. Art comes from a combination of varying perspectives, and inspiration/creativity comes in all forms, so I strongly feel that this program exposed me to as much stimulation possible in the two weeks technically, intellectually, socially, and psychologically.
For me, the social and cultural experience overall was perhaps the best aspect about the program. Perhaps I am more excitable than most, as I have not traveled far very much, but after this experience, I realize that I need to get out more to see how other people live and interact with each other. It’s just amazing. I pretty much wish I could be Italian after this.
It is a great experience for working in a creative collaborative group environment. You really learn a lot about group dynamics and working as a team to accomplish one goal. In that sense, I feel like it is a most valuable skill to learn as most of the world involves not just yourself but being able to relate to and working with others.
The study abroad experience was more than worthwhile. It was simply amazing! Professionally and culturally, this experience has provided me with more options and opportunities in growing as an artist and ….. My friend asked me when I got back, “What is it about Italy that you like so much?” My answer, “The people.” I have never met so many wonderfully open, generous, friendly, warm, non-judgmental people. Our interactions and relationships with people make our life what it is. I am living my life as an artist and my work is inspired by the people around me, so for me to be in such a fantastic place with the best people, I feel can only influence my work in a positive way.
It was the perfect balance of structured class time and fun cultural experiences. After returning from the trip, I had so many new ideas for projects and it ultimately helped me narrow down the concept for my culminating exhibition.
The experience was totally worthwhile! I learned so much and it changed how I approach my work and sparked new ideas. It was so important that I went (although I didn’t know it at the time) because it has really made a difference in my art and my life. It was a great way for me to get inspired and excited for my last year of undergrad.
The locals were incredibly welcoming and took us out on numerous occasions to their houses for meals. I made numerous friends that I still keep in contact with today.
The program opens up a whole new world of possibilities in my own art making, and my attitudes toward the responsibility of artists.